What Is Axillary Hyperhidrosis?

If you have heard the term Axillary Hyperhidrosis you probably don’t know what it means or implies. Simply put, it is a medical condition for excessive sweating especially in a person’s armpits. Unilateral Axillary Hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, is a condition where someone sweats abnormally in only a single armpit while the other armpit sweats normally.

If you have come heard of the term Axillary Hyperhidrosis you are probably wondering what it means. It simply means it is the medical term used for excessive sweating particularly in the armpits of a person.  Unilateral Axillary Hyperhidrosis is a problem wherein one underarm sweats profusely while the other underarm sweats normally.

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It is normal for our bodies to sweat since it is a natural way that our bodies use to remove the excessive amounts of water in our systems. It is also a way to remove the excess salts and toxins. The correct quantity of sweat released is actually healthy for a person for it helps keep the body maintains its normal temperature and keeps the skin supple and soft.

The problem with excessive sweating can cause various medical problems as well as causing a great deal of emotional stress to the person. People with this condition tend to sweat a lot in the armpits and may even excrete offensive body odor. This could be a great discomfort for a person with this kind of condition.

People with this condition are restricted with a lot of things. They have to be choosy with the kind of clothing that they should wear. They should use fabrics or colors that won’t trigger too much sweating. Taut clothes should be avoided. They also tend to restrict their movements like lifting their arms so as not to expose their wet armpits. The very common act of just hugging a person can become extremely problematic for someone who suffers from this condition. They are embarrassed to let the other person know that they have wet underarms and this can literally dampen the amount of social interaction the person can do.

This medical affliction can be quite stressful to someone with Axillary Hyperhidrosis. People suffering from this condition find it difficult to lead a normal life. Accordingly, their performance at work is greatly hindered as well as their social lives. Studies have discovered that this is problem is most probably caused by the over-excitation of the Sympathetic Nervous System—the control center of the brain responsible for the flight or fight response. Psychological factors like emotional stress and anxiety play a major role in aggravating this condition.

This extensive sweating condition can appear in both men and women. This condition commonly manifests during the adolescent years of a person’s life and if left untreated can worsen as he or she reaches adulthood. Studies show that hormonal imbalances have no relation whatsoever in the cause of excessive sweating in women. This medical problem can be addressed by using prescribed drugs or the use of topical anti-perspirants and deodorants. For very severe casesFree Articles, surgery is often indicated.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
