Kenya government fires health worker strikers over failure to ‘report back to work’

Saturday, March 10, 2012 The Kenyan government has dismissed 25,000 striking health workers, mostly nurses, citing failure to heed government orders to recommence work and concern for the welfare of hospital patients. Speaking on behalf of the government, Alfred Mutua stated the workers were dismissed “illegally striking” and “[defying] the directive … to report back […]

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Category:Science and technology

This is the category for science and technology. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. 15 July 2022: First deep space images from James Webb Space Telescope released 3 June 2022: Scientists discover seagrass off Australia is world’s largest plant 19 March 2022: Scientists announce decoy-proof Ebola antibodies 10 March 2022: Lost Antarctic shipwreck […]

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New Zealand Medical Association says no party pills

Wednesday, November 1, 2006 The New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA) has warned the public against taking party pills, even though they are legal in New Zealand. This warning comes because Benzylpiperazine, or BZP, can trigger hypothermia, seizures, paranoia, insomnia, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, palpitations and spasms of the muscle. Some of those side effects will occur […]

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Study says to clean your sponge, microwave it

Thursday, January 25, 2007 Studies done on germs and bacteria performed by researchers at the University of Florida show that a dirty kitchen sponge can be cleaned and “sterilized” by microwaving it for 2 minutes, but researchers warn to wet the sponge first. “People often put their sponges and scrubbers in the dishwasher, but if […]

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