Lawanna Brock Discusses Virtual Therapy Wave Of The Future?

Submitted by: Lawanna Brock

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by the absence of a positive effect, low mood, and various associated emotional, physical, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms. Associated symptoms include sadness, pessimism, loss of interest, changes in sleep, decreased appetite, and decreased motivation. New technology has allowed depression to now be treated by way of computer. European countries are actively promoting the use of various software programs and this evolving treatment modality is popping up more and more in the research literature. Is it the wave of the future? Can people actually treat themselves with the aid of technology? Around any new innovative treatment lingers controversy. The concept of computerized cognitive behavior therapy (known as CCBT) is an interesting topic among mental health professionals. Many therapists simply don t believe it works while others question its acceptability with their patients. Many do not initiate it because they don t know enough about it. But many fear it as a replacement. Man versus machine – advancing technology is much like a rose with many thorns.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is based on the premise that inaccurate beliefs and maladaptive information processing have a casual role in depression and anxiety. It was developed by Aaron Beck in the 1960 s and in 1979 he and his colleagues had developed a detailed treatment manual for CBT. The aim of this treatment is to help patients acquire the abilities to identify the thought and images that accompany and precede the experience of upsetting emotions, distance themselves from the beliefs implied by these thoughts and images, question these beliefs for validity, and identify the themes in the content of these thoughts and images.


There are now over 100 computer-aided psychotherapy systems identified worldwide, many of them delivering CBT. One review found 97 different ones from nine countries when 175 studies were evaluated. The first one burst onto the therapy scene in the 1980 s, was developed by Dr. Selmi and associates, and was proven to be effective. This virtual therapy offers an alternative for depressed people who refuse therapy due to stigma, cost, or convenience issues. Most CCBT programs offer weekly sessions of around 40 – 50 minutes that involve cognitive restructuring without human contact. Minimal support by a mental healthcare professional is required. These programs focus on changing automatic thoughts and core beliefs to assist learning and retention. In addition, most computer-based therapy offers an introductory session involving psychoeducation, and then a final session on relapse prevention. Various types are available and can include email or phone contact with a therapist and direct feedback to the user as well. One free online program is Mood Gym by the Australian National University. Another one is myRay peace of mind in a stressful world by Dr. Michael Benjamin.

Depression has been noted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a significant public health problem with lifetime prevalence from 4.9% to 17%. Due to the shortage of licensed trained cognitive behavior therapists, this emerging intervention offers a cost-effective solution for those on waiting lists for therapy treatments. Cost analysis and economic research tells us that virtual therapy not only has proven clinical effectiveness, but cost effectiveness as well.

About the Author: Lawanna Brock has a Master’s of Science from the University of Tennessee. She is currently working on her Ph.D in Public Health/Epidemiology from an accredited university. Lawanna has worked for

where she is a contributing editor,

, where she is a natural skincare consultant, and several Ph.D level researchers in the areas of medical esthetics, dermatology, primary care, and behavioral medicine. She is skilled at developing health related materials for the general public as well as the professional audience. Lawanna’s work can be viewed on her website.

Ms. Brock’s training is well suited for CME medical writing, as well. She has studied pre-medical courses in addition to her practitioner and nursing background, which includes general and organic chemistry, statistics, calculus, and physics. She earned a minor in chemistry from Lincoln Memorial University before pursing a career as a Family Nurse Practitioner. Lawanna is also a skilled independent beauty consultant and medical esthetic provider. Her interest is in intradermal cosmetics, esthetic skin procedures such as botox injection and microdermabrasion, and derma-rolling. You can contract Lawanna Brock through eLance, iFreelance, or GURU.


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