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Submitted by: Karen Sullen
Natural disasters can affect everyone in the family, including your pets. But, unfortunately, its often the pets that are the least prepared. During a emergency, many cats, dogs and other animals are at risk, ending up lost, injured and even killed. Sadly, many that may survive the storm are still faced perilous times because rescue facilities are often overwhelmed and dont have the food, resources and pet supplies needed to sustain them in an emergency.
Although no one can prevent a natural disaster, there are ways to be better prepared for it. According to the American Red Cross and the American Veterinary Medical Association, following these steps can ensure that all of your family members, including the furry ones, are ready for an emergency.
Dont take a chance, prepare in advance!
> Assemble an animal evacuation kit in a portable container like a plastic bin or duffle bag. Be sure to include sturdy leashes, harnesses, medications, three days worth of water and food, bowls, cat litter/pan and a manual can opener. If your pet has had serious medical conditions, a copy of the medical records might also be warranted.
> Take current photos of your animals in case they are lost to help with identification, and place one in the evacuation kit.
> Develop an evacuation plan for all of your animals so everyone knows how to get the pets and themselves out safely.
> Identify alternate sources of food and water. Some local food and water sources may be disrupted or contaminated for extended periods of time following a disaster.
> In the event that youre not home, but your pets are, place stickers on your doors notifying rescue personnel that animals are on the premises and where they can find your evacuation supplies. Keeping a list of the number, type, and location of your animals near your evacuation supplies is also helpful, as well as designating a neighbor to be responsible for your animals if you are away when something happens.
> Properly identify your pets. Tags should provide your name, home address, a phone number, and an out-of-state phone number of a relative or friend. Microchips implanted under the skin can also help aid in identification and the safe return of your pet.
> Research shelters where you can house your pets in the event you need to evacuate. Remember, the Red Cross cannot accept pets because of health and safety regulations. Only service animals are allowed. Create a list of pet friendly places that are located along your evacuation routes or outside potentially affected areas, and keep it with your evacuation kit.
> Learn how to perform first aid on your pet. You may have to fill in until help arrives. Contact your veterinarian or the American Red Cross for a copy of their Red Cross Dog and Cat First Aid guides with DVD.
The storm is overnow what?
> Before releasing pets into the home or yard, inspect the area inside and outside your home to identify sharp objects, contaminated water, downed power lines or other potential hazards.
> If animals have been without food for a prolonged period of time, reintroduce food in small servings, gradually increasing to full portions.
> In the event that you and your pet were separated during the disaster, physically check animal control and animal shelters DAILY for lost animals and post lost animal notices to facilitate their return.
Always consult your veterinarian, the American Red Cross and other rescue organizations for more information on planning for an emergency. No one wants to ever experience a natural disaster, but with these tips, you can ensure that you and your pets are better prepared to handle it.
About the Author: Karen Sullen is a writer for Max and Mittens, an online
pet store
selling pet supplies for dogs and cats.
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