How To Shake The Winter Blues By Learning Cross Country Skiing

By Robert Benjamin

You probably are dreading the coming winter season like a lot of folks are, and you rightfully have good reason to do so. There just is nothing that is as nice as the sunshine and warmth, which we get during the spring and summer months. Spring and summer provides us with so many activities that we often don’t even think about the exercise we are getting from it all. Such things as mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes and scrubs, cleaning the deck, or even power washing the sides of the house, all provide some great exercise. Why not try a great winter activity that can provide beneficial exercise and help shake the winter blues like learning Cross Country Skiing.

Like any new activity make sure to ask your physician if you are healthy enough to safely do it, and be prepared for accidents, as they may or may not occur. It’s like anything, some folks can run across a frozen lake or pond and love sliding and falling, while others are so clumsy or out of shape that they have difficulty walking across the road to get their mail in the winter, if this is you, then don’t bother reading this article any more.


Cross Country Skiing is safer to learn and do then Downhill Skiing, and it also uses more muscle strength and burns some fat calories while your having fun. After your physician says your safe to try it, find a friend or family member that skis regularly and have them accompany you to a sports store that sells reputable ski products. Once your there, have your friend help you select some skis and poles, and a nice pair of ski boots, because you will want some boots that not only protect from the winter elements but also help protect you from falls or other accidents. Ski Boots are a necessity as they are designed just for the purpose of skiing, they are made to attach to the skis and provide safety, unlike a normal pair of boots.

Have your friend select a nice flat area of land, like a field or large lawn that has a nice snow cover, to begin your training. Start out slowly, like you would when beginning any new activity, and as you progress you will not only improve your skiing ability but also your agility and fitness. Like the old saying about riding a horse, when you fall or get bucked off, get back up and try it again, the same thing applies to skiing. Cross Country skiing is basically done like walking, as one ski or foot moves forward, your pole on that side moves backwards, helping to push or propel you forward. Simply start out by watching your skiing friend or partner, just go a short distance to start getting the movements down, then as you become comfortable, you can start changing the course layouts and go for longer distances. Learning Cross Country Skiing is an activity that will make you wish winter season would stay around all year, it’s not only fun and great for fitness, it’s also a great way to help shake the winter blues.

There is a website that describes numerous activities and other methods to help eliminate the Winter Blues, this website is called: Winter Activities – and it may be found at this url:

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About the Author: Robert W. Benjamin has been involved in weight loss and has been researching the Winter Blues for a few years. He has personally turned his life around at the age of 50, by reducing his body weight from 400 lbs to 185 lbs. If you want to turn your life around, and read other great info and ideas on beating the winter blues, please check out the website below: Winter Activities


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