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byAlma Abell
Whether you’ve experienced tooth loss due to an injury, heredity, an adverse reaction to prescription medication or inadequate oral hygiene during your earlier years, you have options for replacing them. Although dental implants are becoming increasingly popular, they’re not the answer for everyone. Osteoporosis, advanced gum disease, and other conditions often leave the structure of the jawbones too weak to support implants; at the same time, those with abnormal bleeding caused by certain medications, diabetes, and similar issues are not good candidates for dental implant surgery. Some patients are simply afraid or unwilling to undergo this type of procedure.
For those, traditional Dentures in Kona may be the better, albeit less permanent, alternative. The deciding process begins with a trip to the dentist, during which the gums, jaw bones, and any remaining teeth will be thoroughly inspected. X-rays will be taken, the patient’s dental and medical histories will be taken into consideration, and the dentist will make his recommendation. If any of the patient’s original teeth are present and healthy, partial dentures may be in order. Should those teeth be decaying or otherwise damaged, they may need to be extracted to make way for full dentures.
The dentist will then cast a series of molds to be used in creating dentures that will accurately fit the patient. Based on these molds, a basic metal framework will be fashioned. Pink acrylic material will be molded around this frame and will ultimately mimic the appearance of the gums. Artificial teeth made from tooth-colored resin will be affixed into the acrylic.
Patients are fitted with their finished Dentures in Kona, and any necessary adjustments are made to achieve a near-perfect fit. In many cases, the entire process can be completed in one day; however, some patients will need to wait a few days before receiving their finished product. Despite all efforts to achieve the best fit, many patients find they need to use adhesive creams or strips to keep their dentures in place. Visit http://carteryokoyamadds.com for more details.
Dentures can effectively give patients back their abilities to chew and speak properly while filling out their facial features, as well as natural teeth. With proper care, Dentures in Kona can last decades before needing to be repaired or replaced. Schedule an appointment with Carter S. Yokoyama D.D.S.to find out if dentures are the answer you’ve been looking for.