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byAlma Abell
You have in your hands the key to your next commission: your brand-new SEO lead. Now all you have to do is take that golden nugget and hatch it. You want to be the company the client chooses and keep sales rising. How do you turn your SEO leads into cash for you and your company? Here are a few tips for dealing with your next SEO lead.
Respond Quickly
As a company that provides SEO services, you have to be on the ball. Don’t make your SEO lead customer wait a specified amount of time. This isn’t a date, it’s a business transaction. As soon as you get the memo that a potential client wants to talk, you should call, email or chat right away. Responding quickly will not scare away clients. It will make them realize that they are important to your business and that you will do everything in your power to offer them the services that they need.
Prove Your SEO Expertise
When you’re communicating with your SEO leads, clearly state the experience you have dealing with the types of projects they want you to work on. Now, many business owners today aren’t all that knowledgeable about SEO practices, which is why they’re calling you. However, they know enough to understand its importance.
Best case scenario is that they know what you’re talking about and understand the lingo. When you discuss an in-depth website rebuild, they’ll appreciate that you have completed a lengthy SEO based project and they know exactly what you mean. Worst case scenario, they have no idea what a “keyword” is. Either way, by discussing your past experience with them, you can make them feel like they’re in the hands of an expert.
Know Their Needs Immediately
If all you know about an SEO lead is their website address, look them up right away. While they’re discussing their ideas with you, check for yourself and be ready to offer feedback and suggestions on the spot. They don’t want an “I’ll get to that later” approach. You need to be as quick on your feet as the fast-changing Google algorithms. You’re grooming them, turning the SEO lead into a client, and you’re doing it through a mental chess match. When you know what they’re going to say before they speak, you’re prepared to offer high-quality advice in a short span of time.
Outline Your Plan for Them
Once you think you have their attention, give your SEO lead the rundown and precise information detailing exactly what needs to change first, second and third for their SEO marketing to be a success. Customers will always choose the company with a plan versus the company who merely has “research” or “suggestions.” This is where your epic sales pitch comes in, and you talk about how you will make them and their online business a success. Click here to get additional info.