Chaps And Guys With Long Boots

Chaps And Guys With Long Boots



The Americans speak English mainly because the early settlers were from England but also because the country was a British administered colony.


Oddly enough the Dutch also set up many colonies in what is now known as the United States of America and their biggest settlement they named New Amsterdam. How different the United States would be today if the Dutch had not sold New Amsterdam to the English who renamed it New York. Perhaps they would all be wandering around now wearing clogs and growing tulips with cheese making the biggest business in town. If such a scenario had taken place one thing the home grown Dutch back in the old country would have noticed by now is the fact that their language would be slowly changing as the influence of the new world bounced back. Language is an ever evolving sound and words that began in America have crept into the English culture. To take just one example we can show how an American word is fast replacing the English equivalent with the phrase of Hi guys or even just Hi. The Hi is an American form of Hello which has now all but disappeared and the Hi guys is another well used form of greeting both sides of the Atlantic these days when not so many years ago it would have been hello chaps. The use of the word chaps is now considered old fashioned but it, like many words in English, has more than one meaning and it is unlikely to disappear as it is always going to mean the leggings above a shoe or boot protecting the calves and thighs of a horse rider. People who ride horses regularly as a pastime wear boots to the knee or sometimes over the knee boots. This sort of long knee boot is occasionally worn as a fashion item although it has to be said there is a danger that they can look very nineteen sixties. This length of boot also conveys a sex appeal quite unlike any other item of footwear except perhaps for very high heels. The combination of high heels on over the knee boots is almost a fetish and can really only be carried out by a good looking woman with very long legs and a figure to match. Anyone other than a six foot plus slim line super model wearing this kind of boot is in danger of being a parody of the late great English male comedian who used to cross dress as a woman when he was so obviously a man. There are far more choices of shoe and boot for women than men and perhaps this half explains why an average woman’s wardrobe contains over thirty different pairs. This figure is the average but many have moved into the super league of over one hundred pairs. A few dozen women in the UK alone have confessed to a collection of over a thousand pairs but do not ask them about their handbag collection which is often far worse.

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Chaps And Guys With Long Boots