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Building A Mailing List Tips And Ideas by Suzanne E MorrisonBuilding a mailing list is one of the most important things you can do for your Internet business. Plus it is not as difficult to do as some people think it is. You just need to learn a few tips on effectively building your list.To help you get started there are some essential steps you need to follow when building a list. Here are the most crucial steps.1. Freebie – If you are going to capture the email address and name of a person you must give them something that is useful and free. The first step is to find the free item that you will be giving away and ensure that it is something people will want. It can be a free business tool, software, report, or anything else to entice them to give you their information.2. Lead capture page or squeeze page – The next step is to build a lead capture page or squeeze page. This is just a simple page where you offer the freebie, provide the reasons it is a good idea for them to sign up for your newsletter and then put a capture form from any auto-responder on the site.3. Newsletter – You need to sign up for an autoresponder for free and start setting up a newsletter or ezine. It doesn’t have to be difficult, but again provide free resources, videos, articles, and other things a person would want. This will encourage them to stay on your email list after they have received the freebie offered to get them there. Send out a newsletter once a week, every two weeks or even monthly to keep in contact with the people on your list.4. Marketing – This is a vital step to take once you have done the other steps. If people don’t know about your squeeze page, they will never sign up. You have to market your page, just like you do your online business. This is the only way to get people to sign up and the more ways you use to market, the faster you will build your listThese are the most important steps to take for building your mailing list. Now that you know how to build a mailing list; all that is left is for you to get started. The faster you get started the faster you can build your list and use it as a powerful marketing tool.Suzanne Morrison is the owner of an home business opportunities website that teaches anyone how to build a mailing list. For the best legitimate home business ideas anyone can make money with visit it today!Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com