Telesales Techniques You Must Learn

By James Copper

Nowadays, almost every business employs telesales personnel in order to boost their sales and do a world of good to their business. From newspapers to Advertising Agencies to Manufacturing Houses and even Charitable Institutions every one is employing telesales techniques for sales.

In fact, there are numerous companies around the world that exist solely for contacting individuals over the telephone! The numbers indicate that there are thousands of people working for the telesales industry just in the United Kingdom. However, these telesales personnel strive hard to get good commissions owing to the fact that the basic pay of these firms is generally insufficient.

With the change in the world economy market and the nations all plunging ahead towards a fuel crisis, the number of sales men and women on the road is decreasing incredibly. This is also aided by the fact that communication through the telephone is becoming easier and cheaper, which makes telesales techniques very important.


Even postage costs are rather high and although the email is a good idea for communication, it lacks the element of personal contact. This is yet another reason behind the booming of telephone sales.

The sales persons included in the telemarketing firms have the drive to earn more money and thus work dedicatedly. The individuals working for telesales also make their best attempt to make the most of their talent.

Read on to know more about how you will make the most of telemarketing with great telesales techniques:

Openers The most important aspect of the entire call that your telesales executives makes is the opening. Generally, the individuals who receive the call run on a busy schedule, thus the person who is called might not be in a receptive mood. What happens often is that the calls irritate the person. Thus, the most vital part of the conversation is the opening where the telesales department worker needs to make an impact. If the initial moments of the conversation are able to interest the person called, the telephone call becomes a success. The opening, therefore, that makes the call or breaks the call. So follow the tips given below to ensure that the opening moment of your call strikes the right chord:

A good telesales caller will begin by politely introducing himself or herself and then the company on behalf of which they are making the call. This is one of the fundamentals of telesales techniques.

Try to say something that will immediately grab the attention of the person and engross him in a conversation. In fact, if the person can be convinced that he will benefit from the conversation, the telephone call is likely to become a success. Try to imagine yourself in the position of the customer. What would you like to hear? Once you can get this clear in your head, you will immediately know what the prospective client wants and how to make a call that will make your business a success.

Remember to make some impact with the opening line because it is the part that will determine whether the call will become a success or a failure. You need to construct the initial line such that it attracts the person being called. At the same time, it should be brief because the person on the other end will not give you a lot of time.

About the Author: James Copper is a writer for


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